Avyakt BapDada 12th December 1979
Today BapDada is seeing all of his children in their special decorated form. The decorated form of each, bearing the various symbols, is a very beautiful sight. Have you seen yourself in this way? Which are the symbols that you are carrying? Each child was seen seated beneath a very beautiful canopy which was protecting them from being troubled by matter and Maya. Many devices for spiritual protection were visible, so that not even the most subtle vibrations could infiltrate the canopy.
First there were those wearing the crown of responsibility in service, those engaged in world benefit. Then the crown of light, gained through attaining complete purity. The double crown was very beautiful. The crown of light was radiating all around, to the extent in which there was purity in thought word and action. In this, all were numberwise. Similarly with the crown of responsibility, the size and radiance also varied: some had the light of ten powers, whilst others had the light of a thousand.
The variations in the crowns were also apparent in the canopies. in some cases the canopies were so large that all tasks could be carried out under their protection. For some the canopy was so unlimited that they were even able to throughout the world and yet remain under its protection. But for others the canopy was limited in size: those were the ones who had made remembrance into a discipline to be performed at fixed times. They would have remembrance for four hours or for eight hours, and in this way would transform the remembrance of the unlimited Father into a limited activity. They had fixed a set time to experience a relationship which is eternal, and had thus made that relationship into a temporary one. They had brought remembrance of the unlimited into limitation. Sometimes there would be a relationship with Baba, and sometimes a relationship with human beings. Sometimes there would be a relationship with possessions, sometimes with old sanskaras or with the former nature of the self. At the time of receiving there was generosity in the heart, but at the time of giving there would sometimes be “economy”. At the time of receiving they do not say “just a little for the time being”, but at the time of giving they say “it will happen gradually...”. With great cleverness they raise Baba’s hopes with the words “yes we shall become complete”. But if you are claiming the right to receive in one second, you should equally be generous at the time of giving. Those whose remembrance is constantly limited were seen under their canopies, but the effects of the vibrations and atmosphere of Maya, together with the battling with matter, sanskars, and other human beings, were also being experienced. Had their remembrance been unlimited, they would have experienced continual safety under their canopies.
Next, all were seen sitting on their thrones. You know which throne: the throne of Baba’s heart. However the heart throne is such a pure place that only the one who is pure constantly can sit on it eternally. Baba does not send anyone away from the throne of his heart, but they themselves climb down from it. It is Baba’s wish that all of his children should be seated on the throne eternally. But according to the operations of the law of karma, only those children who constantly follow the Father are able to sit on the throne eternally. If there has been impurity, or disciplines have been broken, even in thought, then they step down from the throne, and experience either realisation or repentance. If the misdeed is sinful, there will be the stage of repentance; and if the misdeed is wasteful, there will be the stage of realisation. The repetition of wasteful thoughts gradually brings realisation that “I should not be allowing these”. Then the thought “this is wrong” pricks like a thorn. Realisation and repentance prevent the soul from enjoying the intoxication of the stage of being seated on the Throne.
The first stage then is to be seated on the Throne. The second stage is when, after something has happened, there is the realisation that even the Thrones are “numberwise”. Seeing that something is about to happen, that a storm is brewing, some check in advance, and finish that thing off. Other realise it is happening during the event. Others only realise after the event has taken place. So the second stage is that of realisation. The third stage is repentance, and all are “numberwise” in this also. Some repent, but at the time, lack the power to reform. What should the do? There should be a special vow, or discipline observed for the self, so they are able to transform their thought patterns. Through your thought patterns the future of the entire world will be changed. The special vows which you take will cause the same pure thoughts to emerge repeatedly. So some remained seated on their Thrones, but others were seen to step down.
And what was the fourth symbol to be seen? Each one also held a discus. For some the discus was spinning freely, while for others, effort was required. For some the discus was spinning in the wrong direction, towards the left: instead of spinning thought of self-realisation, they were spinning thoughts about others, and so they were trapped in the web spun by Maya. Instead of conquering Maya, they were trapped in a cycle of confusion, the web of “what” and “why”, created by looking at the behaviour of others. So many questions, all created by the self, so that eventually the self is trapped.
Now you have heard what was seen. All were decorated with the four symbols, yet all were “numberwise”. What will you do now? Come below the unlimited canopy of constant remembrance. Claim the double crown of purity and service, of unlimited size and radiance. Practice giving and taking in one second, and in this way claim the throne constantly. Climbing on and off the throne tires you, so sit on the throne in constant unlimited spiritual comfort. Remain in the consciousness of a soul liberated from all bondage. You are master knowledgeful, so let the cycle of self realisation spin constantly and freely. Remain constantly free from the web of questions of why and what, which arise from the cycle of thoughts about others.
Then you will constantly yog-yukt and jeevanmukt, and together with Baba, Ruler of The Globe, you will continuously circle the world for the service and benefit of all. You will become a world servant, ruler of the globe.
Achca, to such souls who are constantly bearing their symbols; those who remain constantly in the stage of master knowledgful, and so are able to recognise in advance every form of Maya’s spinning; those who end the innumerable forms of warring with Maya; those who force Maya to surrender and become the garland of Baba’s nexk; those who constantly fulfil the responsibility of all the imperishable relationships; to such children who are like Baba, BapDada’s love, remembrance, and namaste.
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